I have been meaning to do this for so very long. Finally, I have filtered through thousands of photos of mine from Burning Man and chosen over 100 to present to you here.... This first one I took of an art car (ship!) and the crowd around Distrikt -- A huge, very popular, music/dance club located at F and 9:00. At any given time (2 pm, 4 am, 10 am, whever) there were thousands of people dancing and partying around Distrikt, with extremely loud music pumping and (pretty gross) drinks served constantly. I'll go back to the beginning. I took this photo while we were driving into BM during the sunrise. Excitement levels were high. Kevin and I becoming "devirginized" by making sand-angels Upon entering, we were made to yell "I'M NOT A VIRGIN ANYMORE!" and ring this bell :) We made it to camp and set up our yurts! Wahoo! Time to explore! Day 1 -- out on the Playa Exploring! Trying out some costumes in the yurt Lots of dirt and big, big skies ...And art! Such incredible art! Burning Man = most hardcore biking community I have ever seen.... ....and the most magical Is this art, or is it encouraging art, or is it a statement or is it just nice to have a desk in the middle of the desert? Biking adventures! Resting on a suspended platform above Distrikt and a sweet hula-hooping camp ....and there are the hula hoopers! (Kevin and Dana) An interesting art car Some fun sculptures on the playa (these reminded me of snow) Partying at Distrikt We found this awesome circus camp next to Distrikt. Let's just say I had more fun at the circus camp.... it was hard to go back to the craziness that is Distrikt after some peace and body-movement in this camp! Learning from a gymnastics / circus pro.... attempting to figure out the single-arm handstand Just a regular-old handstand. Getting some good tips from circus man ...Coaxed back to Distrikt! Loving the photo bomber.... Dana had these incredible hand-knitted costumes made for her and Kevin A view from atop the suspended platform near Distrikt... the first time I realized that BM may be slightly commercialized and white trash.... Flags in the wind. This first day was one of the least windy -- dust storms got worse throughout the week Ashley, swinging The official torch-lighters (apparently this is a big deal) who light the main road to the man Explorers on the Playa Fun-havers in the setting sun Loooove this tea-pot art-train!!! DAY TWO: morning yoga-meditation tent Inside of the tent ...a bit of a windier day... this was our camp shower (looks ghetto but it felt sophisticated) Such a powerful lady bug Girls having fun under a giant serpent sculpture ... our superhero moves ...and then we found a dance-party at a gay camp and had the time of our lives ...and then I found a trampoline! BAHHHH So fun! DAY THREE: I found Lily! Or did Lily find me? Another one of Dana's hand-knit costumes at Soren and Nicole's engagement party Soren popping the question, much to Nicole's surprise. Such a thoughtful and gorgeous proposal Nicole being a badass Acro-yoga at center camp Burning Man at night was sort of like being on an inhabited moon..... Preparing our bicycles for a nighttime outing.... playa dust and colorful lights Bike-lights are a MUST when 70,000 hippies are out riding around the desert with no rules.... zoom! One of my favorite works of art out on the Playa...a beautiful wood-cut, tear-drop sculpture Lit-up against the dark night sky Love. This. Another quote in this sculpture: "Move back and forth with the change, and let what batters you become your strength" A fun geodesic dome DAY FOUR: wedding prep! Dana and Wasabi -- our camp chef/bartender with the endlessly smiling face Heading to the Temple for the wedding ceremony! So psyched to be the unicorn Bridesmaid The Temple is past the Man -- so we biked the lengthy distance (the bride carried the party favors) Kevin being a butterfly Such a happy groom Enjoying the ride Playa dwellers around the Temple Marriage-bound The 2016 Burning Man Temple The most goddamned stylish/sexy bride and groom to ever be Temple-sky -- all wood-cut sculpture.... ...ready! So in love... barf! Haha! An awesome wedding party Wedding sunset was about to be on-point! ...and then I found this while wandering.... A nice wedding venue Art-car in the windy sunset ...dusty unicorn and friends Different kinds of light ![]() A neat tunnel DAY FIVE: a sunrise mission for these dragons, after not much sleep.... Selfies felt weird at BM. I literally saw more cell-phones than people out there.... kind of made me sad... (this was taken with a camera. I didn't use my phone while at BM) Preparing for a sunrise burn!!! The pyramids on fire... this was one of my favorite installations (all large installations are burnt throughout the week). You could walk up the side of the pyramid for a nice lookout view of the playa ...everybody needs coffee after a 5 am wake-up call on the morning after the wedding night... ...we found Robot Heart! Where Nicole and Soren first met.... The Sunrise Cafe An insane dragon art-car A squid-looking climbable sculpture in the sunrise Doing what I did a lot of...taking photos Another angle Kevin maneuvering through some art obstacles K & D & The Man (it is much larger than this photo makes it look) Our camp (Heroes & Super Villains) hosted a brunch party one morning, and I contributed my BM gift through the form of hand-printed, stamped postcards adorned with a Polaroid of the sender.... A few postcards... I made and sent over 200! It surprised me how many people were thrilled to send postcards out to family and friends in the "default" world -- here I am manning the Polaroid photo/postcard stand After the photo shoot was over we climbed atop the RV for our last Burning Man sunset. Dana really wanted to wear my Olympic speed suit. She looked hot in it. Atop Soren and Nicole's RV The brunch party continued until after the sun went down.... Next to our camp was an insanely comfortable (and dirty) ball-pit. The ultimate relaxation. ...from the ball pit A Labyrinth near our camp Another photo of the MAGIC sculpture. I will leave you with that. I hope you weren't overwhelmed by these photographs. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments! I would love to hear from you -- feedback, curiosities, etc. Thanks for looking! Have a lovely day.
my blog!adventures to and from, here and there, home and away, around the world--through my eyes, lens, and mind Archives
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